Monitoring Proxmox guests with check mk

From Levy

Revision as of 12:03, 13 December 2019 by Louis (talk | contribs) (Created page with "This article has two scripts that are needed to monitor te state of VMs runnning on a Proxmox server with check_mk. The scripts come from the Proxmox wiki, but needed adapting...")
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This article has two scripts that are needed to monitor te state of VMs runnning on a Proxmox server with check_mk. The scripts come from the Proxmox wiki, but needed adapting to work with check_mk 1.6. If a VM is added or removed do "Full Scan"

The check also collects performance data for %CPU load caused by the VM and % of total memory consumption of the VM as well as it's reserved virtual memory size (VSZ) of the related kvm process.


Place this script on your Proxmox server in /usr/lib/check_mk_agent/plugins/mh_qemu and make sure it's executable.


# based upon 'qemu' from
# 12/2010 Matthias Henze
# Lizenz: GPL v2
# updated for libvirtd (virsh) by
# Jonathan Mills 09/2011
# updated by
# Christian Burmeister 05/2015
# updated by
# adorfer 01/2017 for proxmox 4 pve
# updated by proxmox 07/2019 for proxmox ve 5&6

if which qm >/dev/null ; then
        echo '<<<qemu>>>'
        qm list | grep -v VMID | while read L
                if ! -z $L ; then
                        ID=$(echo $L | awk '{print $1}')
                        XNAME=$(echo $L | awk '{$1=$NF=$(NF-1)=$(NF-2)=$(NF-3)="";print $0}')
                        NAME=`echo $XNAME | sed 's/ /_/g'`
                        STATE=$(echo $L | awk '{print $(NF-3)}')
                        PID=$(ps aux | grep kvm | grep "id $ID" | head -1 | tail -1| awk '{print $2}')
                        if ! -z $PID  && [ "$PID" -gt "0" ]; then
                                PS=$(ps aux | grep kvm | grep $PID | head -1|tail -1)
                                MEM=$(echo $PS|awk -- '{print $5}')
                                MEM=$(echo $MEM / 1024 | bc)
                                DATA=$(top -p $PID -n 1 -b | tail -1)
                                PCPU=$(echo $DATA | awk -- '{print $9}'|tr , .)
                                PMEM=$(echo $DATA | awk -- '{print $10}'|tr , .)
                                MCPU=$(echo $PS | sed 's/.*maxcpus=\([^ ]*\)\ .*/\1/' )
                                RCPU=$(echo "scale=1; $PCPU / $MCPU"| bc)
                        echo $ID" "$NAME" "$STATE" "$MEM" "$RCPU" "$PMEM 


Create the following script on your check_mk server /omd/versions/default/share/check_mk/checks/qemu. Again, make sure it's executable.

# -*- encoding: utf-8; py-indent-offset: 4 -*-

# based upon 'qemu' from
# 12/2010 Matthias Henze
# Lizenz: GPL v2
# updated for libvirtd (virsh) by
# Jonathan Mills 09/2011
# updated by
# Christian Burmeister 05/2015

# updated by Proxmox 07/2019

# Example output from agent:
# <<<qemu>>>
# 4 i-4B9008BE running 2048 4.0 2.7
# 5 i-44F608B6 running 2048 0.0 0.7

# inventory
def inventory_qemu(info):
    inventory = []
    for line in info:
        if line[2] == "running":  # only VM's running while inventory are monitored !
            vm = line[1] # we want to capture hostname, not vm id here
        # Fix annoying OpenStack misnaming of VMs
        name = vm.split('-')
        if name[0] == "instance":
        name[0] = "i"
        vm = '-'.join(name)
            inventory.append( (vm, None) )
    return inventory

# check
def check_qemu(name, param, info):
    for line in info:
        perfdata = []

    vm = line[1]
    host = vm.split('-')
    if host[0] == "instance":
        host[0] = "i"
    vm = '-'.join(host)
        if vm == name:
            item = line[0]
            status = line[2]
            assigned_mem = line[3]
        infotext = "%s  (id: %s" % (status, item)

            if status == "running":
        # 4 i-4B9008BE running 2048 4.0 2.7
                if len(line) == 6:
            current_cpu = int(round(float(line[4])))
            infotext += ", CPU: %s%%" % (current_cpu)
                    perfdata.append( ( "cpu_%", current_cpu ) )

            current_mem = int(round(float(line[5])))
            infotext += ", Memory: (Virtual SiZe: %s MB, used: %s%%" % (assigned_mem ,current_mem)
                    perfdata.append( ( "memory_current_%", current_mem ) )
            perfdata.append( ( "memory__assigned_MB", assigned_mem ) )

        infotext += "))"

        warn = 80
        if current_cpu > warn or current_mem > warn:
            return (1, "WARN - status is " + infotext, perfdata)
                    return (0, "OK - status is " + infotext, perfdata)
        infotext += ")"
                return (2, "CRITICAL - status is " + infotext, perfdata)

    return (3, "UNKNOWN - VM not found in agent output")

# declare the check to Check_MK
check_info['qemu'] = \
(check_qemu, "VM %s", 1, inventory_qemu)