Remount NFS share on ProxMox
When on a ProxMox server a mounted NFS share becomes unavailable for a longer time, the server can fail to repair the mount when the NFS share becomes available again. This can be fixed by rebooting the ProxMox server (and if you're unlucky the whole cluster), but there's a more elegant way to do this.
Fixing the NFS mount
To fix the NFS mount without rebooting your ProxMox server you need to log in on the command line as root. Then we first find out the storage ID of the hanging mount (typically the same name as displayed in the web interface):
root@ayaka:~# pvesm status got timeout unable to activate storage 'backup_remote' - directory '/mnt/pve/backup_remote' does not exist or is unreachable Name Type Status Total Used Available % ISO nfs active 6542483968 5682793728 859149568 86.86% backup nfs active 6542483968 5683334144 859149824 86.87% backup_remote nfs inactive 0 0 0 0.00% local dir active 18077696 6398836 11678860 35.40% local-lvm lvmthin active 2097152 0 2097152 0.00% vms nfs active 532508160 275493120 257015040 51.74%
As we can see, the backup_remote share is havving the issue here.
To get it to mount again, we first disable it:
root@ayaka:~# pvesm set backup_remote --disable
And then we unmount it:
root@ayaka:~# umount -f -l /mnt/pve/backup_remote
Then finally enable the mount again:
root@ayaka:~# pvesm set backup_remote --delete disable
Checking the status again, in a few seconds, we can see that backup_remote is now marked as "active" again:
root@ayaka:~# pvesm status Name Type Status Total Used Available % ISO nfs active 6542483968 5682955520 858987776 86.86% backup nfs active 6542483968 5683496192 858987776 86.87% backup_remote nfs active 2473882624 1044884480 1303257088 42.24% local dir active 18077696 6402552 11675144 35.42% local-lvm lvmthin active 2097152 0 2097152 0.00% vms nfs active 532508160 275493120 257015040 51.74%